Durafirm Short Stands have fulcrum units identical to the 1M and 3M stands, and similar handrails and anchoring units. They are designed for use on concrete pedestals or platforms, with the use of 6 Durafirm bronze anchors, at either one or three meter level. This model has no handrails. We recommend the pedestal or platform be designed with handrails. Catalog # 70-231-520.
SPECIFICATIONS: The Diving Stand Anchor and Fulcrum Assembly, Catalog #70-231-520, "Short Stand" is designed for mounting on a concrete, steel, or other field-fabricated diving platform. The diving stand consists of heavy aluminum castings coated with epoxy paint. The roller and tracks are heat treated, hard-anodized extruded aluminum. The bearings for the roller tube and slide are Teflon/polymer with grease path. The diving board anchor hinges are heat treated aluminum forgings with a design tensile strength of 35,000 psi and are hard anodized. The diving board anchor bolts are custom short-neck 5/8" diameter by 3 1/2" long stainless steel carriage bolts. The diving stand is supplied without handrails. The diving stand handrails are 304 stainless steel tubing, firmly attached to the handrail supports with stainless steel rail clamps. The rails extend to the edge of the swimming pool and the rail ends are fitted with safety tips. The stand is designed for mounting on new concrete platforms with the use of six Durafirm, Catalog #70-231-900 Bronze Deck Anchors, or Insert kit, part # 906.
SPECIFICATIONS: The Diving Stand Anchor and Fulcrum Assembly, Catalog #70-231-520, "Short Stand" is designed for mounting on a concrete, steel, or other field-fabricated diving platform. The diving stand consists of heavy aluminum castings coated with epoxy paint. The roller and tracks are heat treated, hard-anodized extruded aluminum. The bearings for the roller tube and slide are Teflon/polymer with grease path. The diving board anchor hinges are heat treated aluminum forgings with a design tensile strength of 35,000 psi and are hard anodized. The diving board anchor bolts are custom short-neck 5/8" diameter by 3 1/2" long stainless steel carriage bolts. The diving stand is supplied without handrails. The diving stand handrails are 304 stainless steel tubing, firmly attached to the handrail supports with stainless steel rail clamps. The rails extend to the edge of the swimming pool and the rail ends are fitted with safety tips. The stand is designed for mounting on new concrete platforms with the use of six Durafirm, Catalog #70-231-900 Bronze Deck Anchors, or Insert kit, part # 906.